Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rudy Giuliani

You may have issued your token apologies clarifications, but you knew what you were saying and you knew what you were doing. You aren't the first one to try and whitewash over the greatest single act of terrorism in the history of the United States, it's just really ironic that you'd be the douche to try it. No one would give two shits about you if we weren't forced to watch you exploit it all over our TV's for months after 9/11. You even tried using it to serve an unprecedented third term, rewriting history for the sake of yourself. You are the lowest form of scum and have shown nothing but more of the same with your ridiculous comments. Speaking of despicable pieces of shit, this is one of the biggest stories of the new year, now try finding any mention of it whatsoever on I'll give $5 and a blumpkin to anyone that can find it and post the link.

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